Thrown unprepared by the Covid-19 pandemic into an online class halfway through the Spring 2020 semester, the Poetics Lab students rethought their collaborative play/project ideas to work online. We were inspired by what turned out to be possible - such as by the living palimpsest that emerged from Matt Loudon's collaborative collage exercise (using the Google Jamboard app).
This sampling of works by PLAB students, faculty and friends deliver the ethos and praxis of PLAB (if you like Greek words) or the vision and vibe (if you prefer alliteration).

ghosts is a childhood memoir of the first decade of Tanzanian socialism. Written by a Tanzanian Asian, ghosts is a book of mourning, of lost lives, forgotten revolutions, and disrupted childhoods. ghosts is a journey into the junctures between memory and history, between remembering and forgetting.

An archive of essays on PROMPTS AND PLAY in theory and creative practice - especially in trans-disciplinary contexts - intended as a resource for teachers, artists, designers, and writers. Teachers and practitioners: we invite you to steal - and to contribute if you are so inspired.

We are often told that books will be co-evolving with digital technologies, but where are all the weird and promising mutations? Poetics as a Theory of Everything is a digital cultural theory/philosophy book for a broad audience, featuring an innovative design, interactive scrolling and zooming illustrations, pop-up hypertextual asides, an embedded flip-book and video, and more.
Jennifer Miller
Books and texts
Visual Art